Books > Neither Fear Nor Courage Saves Us
Neither Fear Nor Courage Saves Us
Daniel Domig explores social factors and building relationships as an aspect of the human condition through painting archetypal forms and paradigmatic figures. Metaphorically as well as literally, he is trying to discover where one person starts and another begins. Primarily, Domig depicts the human body in his work, but is aware of the treacherousness of figuration.
As painting is both illustrative and narrative, it elevates the image to an object that it supposedly illustrates. In this process, as Giles Deleuze discusses about Francis Bacon, the eye is subordinated to the model of recognition and loses the immediacy of sensation. Domig avoids that trap; he creates the “presence” of a figure, a visual feeling or visual aura which is very conscious in the reception of the viewer, without using obvious forms to bring it into existence.
© Text: Renée Gadsden, 2012
Soft Cover, Thread Stiching
128 Pages, 2008
Language: English / German