Kate Mitchell’s ‘Idea Induction’ at Perth Festival 2025
Kate Mitchell is one of the three artists that will be opening for Perth Festival at Freemantle Art Centre. She will be presenting a solo exhibition titled ‘Idea Induction’ which is an immersive series of works that ask the question: where do ideas come from? Engage with the artist and her singing chair to access the realm of ideas and the source of your creativity.
The exhibition opens Saturday, February 8th and will be on view until April 20th at Fremantle Arts Centre.
Artist Statement:
What do you do when you need an idea but feel stuck? How can you draw inspiration from the ether and bring it into reality? And how can you shift your perspective to find new solutions when faced with old or pressing problems?
‘Idea Induction’ delves into these questions, exploring where ideas come from—physically and energetically—by focusing on the Alpha and Theta brainwave states, the spaces where creativity and intuition reside. The exhibition presents a series of works designed to guide viewers toward these states of mind.
At the heart of the exhibition is a participatory sound work: where the artist plays a piece of singing furniture and invites you to sit in the chair and experience its enveloping, resonant sounds. Whether it transports you to the realm of ideas or simply offers a moment of profound relaxation the choice is yours.
Mitchell feels that now, more than ever, we need to connect with our inner worlds to bring forth ideas that can make a meaningful difference—for ourselves and for the greater good. To create change, we must envision new or rediscover old ways of existing and organising, ways that allow us to dream of a more just and equitable reality for all.
So, come and sit in the singing chair with the artist—because you need an idea, because you need a perspective shift, because you need time out, or simply because you’re curious. She invites you to journey on a carpet of sound, trusting it will take you wherever you need to go.
Image: Kate Mitchell, ‘Study For Idea Induction (Highway Driving)’, 2024