Tanya Linney is a finalist in the 2022 Redland Art Award
Linney’s ritual emphasis on gesture, texture and colour transform her works from their literal depictions into their representations; they become an extension of sensibilities, figureheads of greater concepts – from a painting to a ‘painting,’ they simultaneously role-play and are the true, real and authentic. In this, Linney acts as martyr, her belief in the ordinary, elevating non-art objects and practices to the realm of philosophical contemplation – leading to her death as the artist, an anonymity of the auteur.
Order can be found in balance – here, we see a disruption of conventional binaries, there is no antithesis, instead, an off centred relation to one another; their materiality wavering between the printed and the painted, their tactility gestural and structured, their pace urgent and arbitrary – we are left with a sense of contemplation and chance, illusion and perfect reproduction.